To use Slider, you need to connect to the admin interface of the framework WebSite-PHP. Once connected you will go to the menu Configuration -> Configure modules and enable the module Slider. File: /pages/tutorials/slider/slider-02.php
<?php class Slider02 extends Page { public function InitializeComponent() { parent::$PAGE_TITLE = "ImageRotator: Flash rotator"; $rotator = new ImageRotator("imgRotate", 250, 150); $rotator->addImage("img/slider/1-small.jpg", "The Sacred Dog by cuellar", " pool-creative_commons-_free_pictures"); $rotator->addImage("img/slider/2-small.jpg", "Eilean Donan Castle by yashima", " pool-creative_commons-_free_pictures"); $rotator->addImage("img/slider/3-small.jpg", "In The Blue by sharkbait", " pool-809956@N25/"); $this->render = $rotator; } } ?>
Go back to tutorial of the componant Slider