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Tutorial : Drop files on a zone
    and specific a wait object (ajax event)



Tutoriel Uploadfile


Tutorial : Drop files on a zone and specific a wait object (ajax event)

Uploadfile-08: Tutoriel du composants Uploadfile du FrameWork PHP WebSite-PHP.

Tutorial : Drop files on a zone and specific a wait object (ajax event):

Drop your files in this zone to upload

Retourner aux tutoriels du composants Uploadfile

Code source

Code source

Fichier: /pages/tutorials/uploadfile/uploadfile-08.php

class Uploadfile08 extends Page {
    public function 
InitializeComponent() {
parent::$PAGE_TITLE "Tutorial : Drop files on a zone
            and specific a wait object (ajax event)"
// create upload file
$this->uploads = new UploadFile($this);

// Drop zone
        // See compatible browser list:
$drop_zone_lbl = new Label("Drop your files in this zone to upload"true);
$drop_zone_obj = new WSPObject("<br/><br/><br/><br/>"$drop_zone_lbl);
$drop_zone_obj->setStyle("border: 1px dashed #BBBBBB;");

// Create wait progress bar object
$wait_obj $this->uploads->getProgressBarObject();

// Set drop zone on upload object
// define mime type authorized 
// define file size limit
// define the event method
$this->render $this->uploads;

    public function 
onUploads($sender) {
// check the files are correctly uploaded
for ($i $i $this->uploads->count(); $i++) {
            if (
$this->uploads->checkMimeType($i) &&
$this->uploads->checkFileSize($i)) {
alert("File ".$this->uploads->getFileName($i)." (".
$this->uploads->getFileSize($i).") uploaded !");
            } else if (
$this->uploads->isEmptyFile($i)) {
alert("Your file ".$this->uploads->getFileName($i)." is empty !");
            } else if (!
$this->uploads->checkFileSize($i)) {
alert("Your file ".$this->uploads->getFileName($i)." is too big !");
            } else {
alert("Mime type ".$this->uploads->getFileMimeType($i).
" of the file ".$this->uploads->getFileName($i).
" is not supported !");

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